RELEASE: Brenda Oliver Joins Tomahawks Staff!


Please help us in welcoming our Game Day Manager Brenda Oliver. Brenda came in late last season and helped out a great deal. Now she's ready to tackle the game day role from the get go. She will be coordinating game day volunteers to work various areas so please reach out. She will be a huge asset to our game day experience. Welcome to the team !!

" Hi everyone my name is Brenda. A little about me, I have been managing minor hockey teams for the past 18 yrs, I'm a huge animal advocate and have been volunteering with Edmonton Rescues for the past 6 yrs and am a mom of 3 whom all have played hockey.

I’m excited for the opportunity to be working with the Tomahawks in the upcoming season as their game day manager, learning a new aspect to managing. I’m even more excited to meet and work with the heart of the team “the volunteers” as no team is successful without an outstanding volunteer base. I invite you to join our team this season, watch some great hockey and help us make a this an epic season. Please come say Hi when you see me at the rink!!"

“Many hands make light work”